The Holidays

The Holidays


Holidays. With an “S”. Technically there are several holidays in the last bit of December but I contend it’s all the random events that lead up to The Big Ones that put that “s” firmly in place. This year seemed extra full and made my plan of “taking December off” especially hilarious. I choose some of my favorite pictures and since it’s Christmas Eve Eve and I’ve got croissants to make and ice cream to churn (I’ll tell you later), I’m going to bullet point the descriptions for you. You can match up the pictures.

  • Tree acquisition
  • Tree Trimming with hot chocolate, donuts and Girls vs. Boy arm wrestling
  • Last minute church Christmas party that Neil and I were last minute responsible for. Good thing we work well as a team and had child labor working for us
  • Hot Chocolate and White Elephant party for the youth at our house. Again, we were in charge but actually had lots of time to plan this one
  • Corra Primary Christmas Party
  • Our first family Jigsaw puzzle
  • Annual Cousin Cocoa and Movie night. Peter loves his oldest cousin
  • Mother Daughter park outing up in Cary
  • Gingerbread Houses
  • Last minute puppy sitting two 10-week old golden doodles until the 27th. We are calling our annual Christmas Service project accomplished
  • Welsh cakes
  • Ice cream in Layna’s ice cream ball
  • Light drive by Grandma and Grandpa’s old house. It was supposed to happen last Sunday but closed for flooding. We snuck it in tonight. Also we’ve been down a van for two weeks and they still don’t know whats wrong with it. We are choosing to be grateful we still have a car that can seat six people. Barely

The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays
The Holidays

I hope your Holidays up to this point have been filled with as much laughter and frosting and hot chocolate. Even though the speed we’ve moved through these events has left me a little out of breath…I wouldn’t change a thing. Merry Christmas, friends.