Aerial Silks

Aerial Silks


Initally she was in gymnastics. Then, just over two years ago, Corra added Karate. Gymnastics got dropped because it was too much and she didn’t love her class. But then she decided that if Ninja was going to be a viable career path she needed to get back into gymnastics. I said “No” because it was still too much, so Ninja dreams were put on hold.
Enter Cambria.
Cambria is a woman in our ward who does everything physical there is to do…all in mermaid/space/dragon leggings. A week ago I helped her acquire a unicycle. Ahem. I’m pretty sure Corra is going to be her in about 15 years. Cambria works with the primary kids at church and Corra adores her. We recently found out that she teaches Aerial Silks at a studio an hour away from our house. After much debate over logistics, the long and short is that we let Corra give it ago. As with Karate, she is a natural and has found another element to be super happy in. Ninja is back on the table!


Corra is starting with a “Silk Sling”. It’s a single silk band that forms a hammock, with both ends attached at the same spot on the ceiling. After she builds up strength and skill she can move on to Silks, which is two strands that go from the ceiling to the floor. She learns to move herself from position to position, into and out of the silk. So far she is in love and we will see if it lasts as long as Karate has. It’s looking like a sure bet.